(MINOT, ND) – For the seventh time in recent years, Health & Hospitals Network magazine has named Trinity Health among the nation’s Most Wired health systems. The listing, based on results of the 17th annual HealthCare’s Most Wired survey, recognizes Trinity as a winner in the ‘Most Improved’ category.
Trinity Health adopted its electronic record in 2006 and has continued to enhance its system. For example, Trinity physicians manage a number of clinical functions online, and a year ago Trinity launched ‘My Trinity eConnect,’ an online patient portal that gives patients secure internet access to their medical records and other health information.
‘We commend and congratulate this year’s Most Wired hospitals,’ said Russell P. Branzell, FCHIME CHCIO, CEO and President of the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives. ‘These Most Wired organizations represent excellence in IT leadership on the frontlines of healthcare transformation.’
Conducted between January and March of this year, the Most Wiredô survey examined how the nation’s hospitals are using information technology (IT) to improve quality care, enhance patient safety and lower healthcare costs. The survey respondents represent more than 2,213 hospitals, or 39 percent of the nation’s acute care providers.
According to the survey, hospitals are taking more aggressive privacy and security measures to protect and safeguard patient data. The survey also found:
- Most Wired hospitals are utilizing the benefits of a patient portal to get patients actively involved in their health and healthcare.
- 89 percent of Most Wired organizations offer access to the patient portal through a mobile application.
- 81 percent of physicians can communicate with patients electronically.
Trinity was one of only two North Dakota hospitals to make the 2015 Most Wired list. The H&HN cover story detailing results is available at www.hhnmag.com